Louis-Philippe Béland
Louis-Philippe Béland was a Policy Analyst in the Centre for Globalization Studies at the Fraser Institute during 2008 and 2009. He holds a Bachelor of Business Administration with a major in applied economics from HEC Montréal and an M.A. in economics from the University of British Columbia (UBC). He is the lead author of La liberté économique dans la Francophonie (2008).
Authored by Louis-Philippe Béland
| By: Niels Veldhuis, Fred McMahon, Peter Cowley, Nadeem Esmail, Alan Dowd, Amela Karabegovic, Keith Godin, Jean-François Minardi, Diane Katz, Louis-Philippe Béland and Maureen Hazel
Pourquoi les pays en développement de la Francophonie ont-ils besoin de plus de liberté économique ?
October 16, 2008 | By: Louis-Philippe Béland and Jean-François Minardi